Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Oh yes, it is here again: the day when Finns go a bit crazy with sparkling, balloons, eating out (OUT there, I mean, no matter the weather) and dressing in flashy outfits. I was almost buying a pink cowboy hat yesterday but got sceptical about the weather and decided not to get anything at all. Sun however got merciful and the day is great.

We went to Espa, to Senate Square (where we danced a bit to the outdoor concert), bought balloons for kids in Market Square, had a great brunch at Palace hotel with over-the-roof-tops views of Helsinki. Here some pics of the atmosphere. Tomorrow is going to be day 1 of tough packing-transporting hassle. So we do not pack today: sauna is getting warm and strawberry sparkling wine is waiting in the fridge. ;)


P.S. I got three obsessions going on: 1. regular one - really want to blond my hair for summer (secret plan to do that tomorrow if possible among the hassle) 2. two-tone ballerinas (I ordered a pair - guess which ones ;)) 3. a box bag (exact twin of Celine's Boston) by Karen Millen in tan color.

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